so, how was ur raya celebration? i hope and i believe it was great. sure korang having wonderful time with all your family members, jalan2 rumah sedara and kawan2, makan2.
aku pulak, raya kat hospital. hmmm... actually, it's a long story but to cut it short, my dear little girl was admitted a few days before raya. Qistina cirit birit until she was dehydrated. she refused to eat and drink milk. sangat kesian anak mama. she looks really tired. it was the first time dia jadi macam tu. normally, if Qis sakit pun, she still active and still can eat and drink milk.
after 3 days warded, Alhamdulillah Qis back to normal. she started to become active as usual, can sing her favourite song Selamat Hari Raya and Balik Kampung song...oh dear, i was soooo happy and grateful to see my dear Qis is back! and she started to drink and eat as usual. so malam raya tu, doctor bagi balik rumah, home rest, but then have to come again on the next day to take the antibiotic.
esoknya, which is on Hari Raya, pagi2 mama and ayah bawa Qis g hospital, to take the antibiotic. punyala lama nak drip antibiotic tu, habis dalam pukul 5 macam tu. so, memang satu hari raya tu, kat hospital la kami anak beranak. kesian Qis, tak boleh beraya. and guess what, the antibiotic has to be taken for 1 week. so, sampai raya keempat, macam tu la routine kami.
actually, if u asked me, honestly i did really have a great time! walaupun terpaksa raya kat hospital. sebab, i've spent the whole day with my little Qis. Qis also was very happy. we had fun together, sing raya song, makan ketupat sama2, kira duit raya (sesape yang datang melawat tu, mestila bagi duit raya kan, hehehe) and snap our own photos, of course:)
our raya photos are a bit special la, no family photos, just a random photos taken at hospital:) gambar dengan Irfan pun aku takde. sebab Irfan stay kat rumah mak tok, tak elok kan bawa baby gi hospital. mak tok pulak bawa Irfan g beraya. hahhh, yang ni sedih. huhuhu...
Its ok lah T.. u Still can wear baju kurung.. at least.. still feeling2 tentang hari raye ni masih ade kan.. So selamat Hari Raya.. Semoga Qis dan Irfan sihat-sihat selalu..
thanks Liza. tu la, merasa jugakla Qistina pakai baju raya.
Selamat Hari Raya to u too...
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