Monday, May 17, 2010

Always full of surprise....

that's my sis. she's really unpredictable and spontaneous (betul ke aku eja ni..hehe) person. always full of surprise one. i still remember, when she was still teaching at Sabah, everytime balik kampung je, mesti inform last minute. a few times, she even called us when she's already at airport and asked us to pick her up.

and last weekend, she did it again! my sis engaged! and the thing is, it was all of sudden and i was not there:(

when i got there, diorang dah nak balik dah. actually, i would say, it was an 'express tunang'. without any preparation. i langsung tak tau diorang nak tunang. thought that they are coming only to discuss on the akad nikah and kenduri. dengan kakakku yang pakai pun sempoi, no makeup, no hantaran, no sarung2 cincin...hahaha... that's my sis...saaaaaaangatt opposite dengan aku......

anyway, i love u sooooooo much and always pray for your happiness....

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